We start with a thank you to everyone for their cooperation with the new purpose of the weekly Memo. Keeping the initial contact brief and driving traffic to our site is having the desire effect. More and more of our families are using the site and we are doing our best to keep it updated.
One of the most important pieces of our site is the School Calendar. We urge you to add the calendar URL to your device. When we update an event, you have that information uploaded immediately. The hard copies will also be updated each month.
As we move further into the year, some important reminders. The Forms that were distributed at the beginning of the year are very important. These documents provide the school, more importantly our students, with services that we cannot afford as a singular school. Services include Math and Reading support, technology and counseling.
In the hopes of eliminating confusion and providing parents with a complete understanding of the purpose and intent, we have posted a full and complete Attendance Policy on our site. Make sure your student is aware of the expectations and consequences.
Due to the success of our Breakfast Program, we are considering closing down the Delafield Avenue Stop, Drop & Go location. The numbers of "customers" has dropped significantly and we are able to accomodate all parents at the Riverdale Avenue location. We will make a final determination next week, but would ask parents to start using the Riverdale Avenue dropoff. Thank you.
Our first Special Dress Day was a huge success. The Student Council raised $560! These funds will go directly to helping one of our school families in need.
The event also brings up an important policy. Do not send loose money to school with your child. Teachers are instructed not to accept loose bills. Please place any money in a clearly marked envelope - Student's Name. Grade/Teacher, Event and Amount. Use the envelopes we sent home this week. Thank you for your cooperation.
We are passing along some information about vaping and the dangers children face to their health. This video is intended for parents to watch with their students. New York State and Archdiocesan Policy is clear - smoking, of any kind, is NOT permitted anywhere on or near school grounds.
We sent home the consent form for Eye On Education, the free eye examinations we will be coordinating in early October. This program has ben very successful in diagnosing vision problems in children. And we are pleased that we have been able to bring it to St. Margaret's. Please return your Consent Form right away. They are used to plan the proper number of doctors, ensure that students receive their incentive reward and the correct insurance agency is charged for the examination.
Next Friday is a half day. This new schedule helps the Faculty and I with monthly planning. We will still attend Mass on the FIRST FRIDAY of each month.
PreK For All has a full day of school Friday, the 27th.
Please have a wonderful weekend. See you all on Monday!